The Kumamoto Earthquake in April 2016 also damaged the castle tower of Kumamoto Castle. In response to people's longing for the symbolic castle tower to return to its original form, the city of Kumamoto set a policy of early restoration of the tower. The building was completed in March 2021 with the latest earthquake-resistant technology. It carries on the wishes of the people who repaired the castle after repeated disasters over the 400 years since its construction, and contains messages from the people of Kumamoto living in the present for the next 100 to 400 years. displays organized the theme from the basement to the top floor in chronological order to create a corresponding space concept design, and created an easy-to-understand and impressive space using models, images, and wall concept design. It focuses on the castle tower, not the castle as a whole, and conveys the history of the castle construction, its architectural design, its defensive function, the castle and town development, and the thoughts and history of the people who restored the castle after every disaster. [Social Issues/Customer Issues/Requests] ・ Disseminate the historical, architectural and spiritual significance of the keep, which is a symbol of recovery from the Kumamoto Earthquake. In addition, it should be reported that Kumamoto Castle, which has historically suffered from numerous natural disasters, was revived by the recent earthquake. ・ Focus not on the whole of Kumamoto Castle, but on the "Kumamoto Castle keep," and try to share roles, collaborate and complement displays contents of the surrounding facilities. ・ Since there are many restrictions on the preservation environment in the castle tower, basically displays of actual materials should not be done, and the history displays of the keep of Kumamoto Castle after the Seinan War should be added, which was not done before. ・ From the perspective of Universal concept design, we will introduce touch displays and multilingual voice guides so that a wide range of people can enjoy displays. I received the above request. [Solution] With the castle tower as the main character, we organized the story along the timeline from the castle's construction to the present, and set a theme for each time period on each floor. The story is arranged so that you can follow the period from the lower floor to the upper floor. The first floor is the period of Kiyomasa Kato, who built the castle, the Hosokawa period, who became the lord of the domain after that, the modern period, which experienced a complete fire and reconstruction, and the present day, when the Kumamoto earthquake and recovery efforts were made.In addition to the building of the castle tower, we focused on the strong will of the people who repaired it every time after repeated disasters since the Edo period to convey the "I want to restore Kumamoto Castle and pass it on to future generations." Furthermore, to cater to a wide range of visitors, multilingual audio guides and palpable models of the keep were planned and realized. [Customer Comments] displays has been well received by visitors for its easy-to-understand and engaging methods, including explanations using models and projection mapping, and multilingual audio guides using the title sign app. < our company Project Members > 【 Development 】 Masashiro Yokoyama 【 Sales/Project Management 】 Masashiro Yokoyama, Haruka Amano, Annin Sawada 【 design, layout 】 Mitsuyo Ashida, Yuichiro Tsutsumi, Toshie Makigara, Nanako Wajun, Yoichi Honda, Naoya Fujiwara 【 Shape 】 Nobuyuki Endo 【 Production/construction 】 Takashi Ikegaya, Yoshikazu Kimura