Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

NOMURA Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "NOMURA") creates environments that attract customers and inspire people through its business activities that include research, planning, consulting, design, production and construction, as well as the operation and management of the creation of spaces. Our basic management policy is to contribute towards the prosperity and success of our customers' businesses.
To achieve this, we have to understand exactly what the customer needs and be up-to-date on social trends. This means we must acquire and use various personal information, including customer information. NOMURA understands that protecting the rights and interests of individuals is the most important responsibility when it comes to acquiring and using personal information. To fulfill our obligations in this area, we hereby declare that we will manage personal information safely and use it correctly in line with the intended purpose set out in the policy shown below.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

NOMURA will handle personal information while adhering to laws concerning the treatment of personal information, such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines established by the government of Japan, and other standards.

2. Identification of appropriate acquisition and purpose of use

When acquiring personal information, NOMURA will do so in a lawful and fair manner while clarifying the purpose of use, and collect personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. We will use personal information within the scope that does not deviate from the purpose of use. The purpose for using personal information at NOMURA is as follows.

  1. To engage in sales activities for customers and related operations
  2. To engage in consignments, orders and related operations to contractors and suppliers in the promotion of operations such as planning, design, production and construction
  3. When it is necessary for promoting business activities, such as providing explanations about the construction or a project to local residents and landowners near to the work site, and obtaining consent from such individuals
  4. To engage in internal and external public relations and related operations
  5. To confirm the identity and communicate with individuals who enter offices belonging to NOMURA as well as individuals who contact us by phone, fax, email, etc.
  6. To engage in recruitment activities conducted at NOMURA and related operations
  7. To fulfill a contract with fixed-term contract workers, agency workers and part-time staff at NOMURA, and manage paperwork for such contracts
  8. To engage in operations required for shareholders to exercise their rights appropriately
  9. To manage paperwork for such matters as social insurance for NOMURA executives, employees and their family members, and the employee welfare program
  10. To also enable NOMURA and NOMURA Group companies to conduct operations required for business activities for parties involved with our company.

If any personal information is used for a purpose other than those listed above, we will notify or announce the purpose of use each time such an event occurs (however, this excludes cases when the purpose of use is deemed to be self-evident due to the circumstances in which the information was obtained, or when the law states that there is no need to provide a notification or official announcement of the purpose of use).

3. Prohibition of use beyond the original purpose

When NOMURA uses personal information, we will not use the information beyond the scope of the purpose of use for which the individual gave their consent (i.e. we will not use personal information for any other purpose beyond the intended purpose). To ensure that NOMURA strictly adheres to these points, we will continue to implement regular checking measures and conduct checks during internal audits on how personal information is handled within NOMURA.

4. Preventing the disclosure, loss or damage of personal information, and rectification of such occurrences

NOMURA has established internal regulations regarding the handling of personal information, and will appropriately manage personal information using a management system in which the manager of each department is consistently responsible for everything from the acquisition of personal information to its disposal. We have also introduced an access control system for our offices and taken security measures to prevent unauthorized access and viruses in our computer systems while striving to prevent the disclosure, loss or damage of personal information by thorough supervision of NOMURA employees and contractors. If an external organization identifies a problem, makes a complaint or causes an emergency situation, or a non-compliant matter is discovered during an internal inspection concerning the management system, we will move quickly to rectify the situation and take precautionary measures to prevent any recurrence.

5. Restrictions on providing information to third parties

NOMURA will not provide personal information to third parties without the permission of the individual who the information belongs, unless there are special circumstances such as when the individual has given their consent, when required by law, or when deemed necessary to protect the rights and interests of a person’s life or property.

6. Disclosure and correction of personal information

If an individual requests that NOMURA disclose, correct or stop using their personal information, after confirming the individuals identity we will promptly respond to their wishes to a reasonable extent. Therefore, we has set up a “Personal Information Protection & Management Office” to respond to any inquiries and questions from individuals whose personal information we have obtained.

7. Continuous improvement

NOMURA will continuously review the details of the personal information protection and management system to appropriately manage and protect personal information, and strive to make improvements as needed.

8. Complaints and inquiries

NOMURA will respond appropriately and promptly to any complaints and inquiries about our efforts to protect personal information. Please use the details below to contact us about inquiries relating to the details of this Privacy Policy, or if you have any complaints or inquiries about our efforts to protect personal information.

NOMURA Co., Ltd., Personal Information Protection & Management Office
2-3-4 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 135-8622
TEL: 03-5962-1171 (main)

NOMURA Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President and CEO Kiyotaka Okumoto
Established: March 16, 2005
Last revised: October 1, 2008

Announcing public matters based on the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”

NOMURA Co., Ltd. (hereafter "NOMURA") will publicly announce the following matters based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereafter "APPI").

1. Public matters concerning the purpose of use of personal information

  1. When collecting personal information directly from an individual listed in written documents (including through websites, emails, etc.), we will clearly indicate the purpose of use of the personal information on each occasion.
  2. If we obtain personal information by a method other than acquiring such information directly from written documents, we will handle the information within the scope of the following purpose of use.
Types of “personal information”Purpose of use
[1] Customers and other business partnersCarrying out transactions with companies and organizations with whom we have business relationships, such as planning, designing, supervising, and producing displays;
Response to inquiries
[2] Customers (including those considering or interested in doing business)Information on services and products of our company and our group companies
Questionnaire survey
Response to inquiries
[3] Information regarding public relations and IR activitiesRespond to the various inquiries that NOMURA receives
Disseminate IR information
[4] Personal information handled in connection with work entrusted by customersTo engage in commissioned work

2. Matters regarding retained personal data that should be made available to the person in question

The purpose of use of personal data held by NOMURA is as follows.

Types of “personal information”Purpose of use
[1] Customers and other business partnersCarrying out transactions with companies and organizations with whom we have business relationships, such as planning, designing, supervising, and producing displays;
Response to inquiries
[2] Customers (including those considering or interested in doing business)Information on services and products of our company and our group companies
Questionnaire survey
Response to inquiries
[3] Information regarding public relations and IR activitiesRespond to the various inquiries that NOMURA receives
Disseminate IR information
[4] Shareholder informationExercise rights and perform obligations based on commercial law
Provide various benefits to shareholders from the issuing company
[5] Employee informationHuman resource management, business contact
[6] Employment applicant informationConsider and make decisions on recruitment

3. Joint use of personal information

Personal information of customers (including those who are considering or interested in doing business with us) will be used jointly within NOMURA Group as follows:

  1. How to obtain personal information for joint use
    Exchange of business cards, inquiries to the homepage/main phone number, etc., requests for materials, participation in seminars, questionnaire surveys, site browsing
  2. Items of personal information to be jointly used
    Name, company name, title, contact phone number, contact email address, survey response results, site browsing history
  3. Scope of parties to joint use
    NOMURA, NOMURA ARCHS Co., Ltd., NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd, C's·three Co., Ltd.
  4. Purpose of joint use
    Providing information on services and products of our company and our group companies, conducting questionnaire surveys, and responding to inquiries.
  5. Person in charge of managing personal information regarding joint use
    NOMURA Co., Ltd.
    2-3-4 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Representative Director President and CEO Kiyotaka Okumoto

4. Matters related to procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc.

NOMURA will respond to the following requests and such received from an individual regarding their retained personal data.

  1. Requesting a notification about the purpose of use of the individual’s personal information.
  2. Requesting the disclosure of the individual’s personal information.
  3. Requesting a correction, addition or deletion when the individual believes that their personal information is not true after it is disclosed to them.
  4. Requesting that the personal information be deleted or its use stopped when the individual believes that their personal information has been retained or used beyond the scope required to achieve the purpose of use after it is disclosed to them, or if the individual believes that their personal information was acquired illegally.
  5. Requesting that the individual’s personal information not be provided to a third party any more.

(1) Method for requesting disclosure, etc. (including changing the disclosure and stopping the use of personal information)

The following department is responsible for responding to requests regarding retained personal data.
NOMURA Co., Ltd., Personal Information Protection & Management Office
When making a request, please download the "Personal Information Disclosure Request Form", fill in the necessary items, attach the necessary documents, and then send it by postal mail to the address below.

2-3-4 Daiba, Minato Ward, Tokyo 135-8622
NOMURA Co., Ltd., Personal Information Protection & Management Office
*Please note that we cannot accept requests other than by postal mail.

  1. Required documents to be attached to the request form: - The individual’s certificate of residence *The response document will be sent to the address listed on the submitted certificate of residence.
  2. Request for disclosure, etc. by an agent
    If an agent is used to request disclosure, etc., please submit the following documents in addition to the above.
    - The agent’s certificate of residence
    - One of the following documents to confirm the agent’s power of representation
    For a privately appointed agent: Power of attorney (stamped with the individual’s registered seal) and the individual’s seal certificate, For a legal representative: Documents such as a copy of the family register to prove that the representative is a legal representative
  3. Fees for the request for disclosure, etc. and collection method
    In principle, for [1] "Request for notification of the purpose of use of the individual’s personal information" and [2] "Request for disclosure of the individual’s personal information", if you wish us to reply by postal mail for the disclosure method, a fee of 1,000 yen will be charged per request. For these requests, please enclose a postal money order or postage stamps worth 1,000 yen together with the request form.

(2) Response method for requests for disclosure, etc.

After we have received and checked the details of your request, we will send a “Personal Information Disclosure Response Form” within 2 weeks of receipt to your address or to your email address if you stated that you wish the disclosure method to be by email for [2] “Request for disclosure of the individual’s personal information”.

(3) The purpose of use of personal information collected in response to requests for disclosure, etc.

Personal information collected in connection with a request for disclosure, etc., shall be handled only within the scope necessary to respond to the request for disclosure, etc. In addition, NOMURA will keep the information on file for up to one year, and responsibly dispose of any information that has exceeded this period of time.

(4) Reasons for non-disclosure of retained personal data

Retained personal data will not be disclosed in the following cases. If we decide not to disclose the retained personal data, we will notify you of the reason for the decision. Furthermore, the same designated fee will still be charged for (1) [3] above even if the retained personal data is not disclosed.

  1. If we cannot confirm the individual’s identity
  2. If we cannot confirm the power of representation during an application by an agent
  3. If the specified application form and required documents are incomplete
  4. If the subject of the request for disclosure does not correspond to retained personal data
  5. If it is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the individual or a third party
  6. If there is due concern of a significant obstruction to the proper operation of business at NOMURA
  7. If it is necessary to cooperate with the execution of the legally prescribed operations of a national government agency or local government, and announcing or notifying the individual about the purpose of use may be a hindrance to carrying out these operations
  8. If it violates laws and regulations or if special procedures are stipulated by laws and regulations

4. Matters concerning access analysis tools used by this website

This website uses “Google Analytics", an access analysis tool from Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. Disabling cookies will prevent this function from collecting data. Check your browser settings. Please see the Google Analytics Terms of Service for details about this agreement.

5. Matters concerning the contact details for complaints

For complaints regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at the following location:
NOMURA Co., Ltd., Personal Information Protection & Management Office
2-3-4 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 135-8622
 TEL: 03-5962-1171 (main)

6. About the personal information protection manager

Our company has appointed a personal information protection manager as the person with overall responsibility for personal information protection.
Corporate Headquarters/Contact 03-5962-1171

7. Measures taken to safely manage retained personal data

NOMURA takes the following security measures for retained personal data (this includes personal information for which NOMURA has the authority to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. Hereafter the same) in compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standards “Requirements for personal information protection management systems relating to personal information protection (JIS Q 15001: 2017) (hereafter JISQ15001).

  1. Formulation of the basic policy
    NOMURA has established a personal information protection policy that complies with JISQ15001, and disseminates and announces this policy throughout the company to ensure that personal information is handled appropriately.
  2. Development of rules about handling personal information
    NOMURA has established regulations about handling personal information that complies with JISQ15001.
  3. Organizational security measures
    NOMURA has appointed a personal information protection manager, clarified the employees who handle personal information and the scope of personal information handled by these employees, and has established a reporting and communication system for when we become aware of facts or indications of violations against laws and regulations as well as internal regulations.
    NOMURA also conducts regular self-inspections, and internal and external audits on the handling of personal information.
  4. Human security measures
    NOMURA has implemented regular training on personal information protection for our employees to thoroughly ensure appropriate handling of personal information.
    NOMURA has also signed a non-disclosure agreement with our employees regarding personal information.
  5. Physical security measures
    NOMURA has set up room access control in areas that handle personal information and taken measures to prevent people without authority from viewing personal information.
    We have also taken measures to prevent the loss or theft of devices, electronic media and documents, etc., used to handle personal information while taking measures to ensure personal information is not easily identified when these devices and electronic media are taken out of the company.
  6. Technical security measures
    NOMURA has implemented restricted access to personal information and limited the personnel who handle such information and the scope it is handled.
    We have also introduced a scheme that protect the information system that handles personal information from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
  7. Understanding the external environment
    When NOMURA commissions the handling of personal information to an external party, we check that the contractor provides appropriate protection for the personal information, implement security measures at the contractor by means of a contract, and impose the requirement of disposing of the personal information on the contractor at the end of the contract.
    NOMURA is also aware of foreign legal systems that affect the protection of personal information, and takes the necessary security measures.
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  • Privacy Policy
Contact us

Please contact us using the button below if you have an inquiry, want to request a quote or request documents.
We have created a separate “FAQ page” that lists the most common questions we are asked.
Please take a look at this page if you have a question.