HU Bioness Complex
The HU Group's mission is to "create new value in healthcare." The "HU Bioness Complex" is the core facility of the healthcare business and symbolizes this mission. This is a place where the future of all life is created by the fusion of Bio, the accumulation of data on life, and Business, the creativity that brings innovation to the industry.
In order to realise the facility's concept of "Connect, Show, Nurture", we were responsible for the overall "communication concept design" of the facility, from concept design the working environment for employees, planning and producing the space and content to introduce the value that the facility provides to guests, and branding such as the facility's naming, logo, and signs, as well as promotion and operation such as novelties, leaflets, and opening events.
In order to contribute to the future of people's health and medical care through the creation of new value in healthcare, we will pursue (connect) group synergies, have (show) hospitality functions that have an impact on society, and define our business domain as "clinical." Taking a step forward from "a presence that has continued to support medical care centered on examinations", we embody (hagukumu) the desire to face each and every person and deliver optimal healthcare to all people. I was asked to create.
In order to connect people with various knowledge and realize the "HU Group way of working" = "co-creative way of working", we proposed creating a working environment that will bring about a change in the mindset of employees.
Furthermore, we will share the rich knowledge and technology of the HU Group with society as a “story to revitalize the world”, implement attractive content, and create a base where new co-creation of healthcare is fostered. I demonstrated and tenaciously proposed.
- open
- location
- client
HU Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
- solution
Planning, design, layout, sign and graphic concept design, design supervision, interior administration, environmental features, content design and manufacturing, exhibit execution, interior execution, building execution, public relations, facility logo, naming and novelty planning and concept design
- Award
Selected for the 57th Japan Sign concept design Award
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- HU Bioness Complex
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