
Sendai Mediatheque Event Information

Press release

Towards new town development for reconstruction

“Creating energy for the elderly through fun play and exercise”


Three and a half years have passed since the earthquake, and the construction of reconstruction housing is finally in full swing. With the emergence of new residential cities in the disaster-stricken areas, the creation of new communities has become an issue. In particular, dealing with the elderly is an important issue. Although there are differences in degree, it is expected that many of the residents in the affected areas will become elderly as depopulation, declining birthrates, and aging continue to progress. Under these circumstances, a major point is to increase the number of healthy and energetic elderly people, and the first step is to build a healthy body.

Here, we introduce some interesting initiatives aimed at achieving this goal.


Date and time: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 13:30-17:00 (Registration opens at 13:00)

Venue: Sendai Mediatheque, 1F Open Square

free entrance


Organizer: NOMURA Co., Ltd. Co-organizer: General Incorporated Association OVAL HEART JAPAN Sendai University Cooperation: Koseki Co., Ltd.



○Sports games for the elderly and children to play together 13:40-15:10

We devised sports games that children and seniors with similar levels of fitness and athletic ability can enjoy together. The aim is to increase opportunities for children to exercise their bodies, such as experiencing the 36 basic exercises necessary for growth and preventing the elderly from becoming bedridden. Based on scientific evidence based on the results of Sendai University's research on health, and incorporating fresh ideas from students, we aim to create a game that allows you to move your body while having fun without realizing it. We report an overview of its development.


・ Current situation and improvement measures to create a vibrant and connected Miyagi through sports Mr. Shozo Suzuki (Sendai University Institute for Sports and Health Science Research and Practice)

・ Development of a new game of tag using ICT Mr. Misaki Aoyama (Sendai University Faculty of Physical Education 3rd year Shozo Suzuki Seminar)


○ There is a reason to live long "People who walk." 15:30-17:00

“Walking People” is a walking program aimed mainly at the elderly to maintain their health by walking. The general incorporated association OVAL HEART JAPAN, which organizes this event, is an organization established by people involved in rugby from all over the country for the purpose of supporting the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. have practiced activities. So to speak, "Walkers" has been held as an event, but it also has great potential as a measure for realizing a lively community development for the elderly. I will introduce its charm.


・ What is the activity of the healthy walking “walking person” Mr. Ippei Onishi (Representative Director of OVAL HEART JAPAN)

・Training experience aimed at becoming a “walker” Mr. Tatsuo Doi

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