
Matsushita IMP Building commercial area renewal


This project renovated the commercial area of the Matsushita IMP Building, an office building located in Osaka Business Park. Since the station that was previously planned for this building still remains underground, we used the station as a concept design motif in the hope that it would become a hub for people to gather, just like in the previous plan.

The round columns that extend across multiple floors throughout the facility have a strong mortar-like finish and metal framing, creating the base of a colonnaded space reminiscent of a train station. In the atrium on the west side, this framing is shaped like a continuous arch like a station arcade, and by echoing the existing R ceiling, it creates a sense of unity with the atrium.
By incorporating the black/gold/patina colors and stone walls/plum shapes of Osaka Castle, which is adjacent to this building, into FF&E and the features, we are creating an affinity with the memories that this land has inherited from 400 years ago. I let you have it.
In addition, as many companies are creating environments where people can work outside of the office due to the coronavirus pandemic, we set up work spaces in the common areas of commercial areas and sought ways to create commercial office buildings that fit new work styles. .

Furniture has been placed throughout the commercial area to accommodate a wide range of needs, from meetings to personal work. Each piece of furniture has a variety of features, including a sofa with a top that expands into an L-shape, a high-back chair that limits visibility and improves concentration, and a counter chair with a coat hanger.
By arranging plants like partitions, we have created a space that can be used primarily as a workplace on weekdays and as a resting space for tourists on holidays.

We aim to create an open workplace where a variety of people gather, not only office workers in the IMP building, but also those working in the Osaka Business Park and even visitors, and a place where new ways of working and new communication are born. I aimed for it.

project member
Sales and project management
Kayu Tatsumi, Masanori Kogure
Sayuri Murata, Sayo Yamazaki, Wataru Takada, Katsumi Tanda
concept design, schematic design, design supervision, graphic concept design
no.10: Keita Aono, Jun Watanabe, Mitsuri Yoshinaga, Mayu Araki
working drawings
Yohei Kishi
Production and Construction
Taisei Tanaka, Masanori Nakajima, Keita Nakajima, Shohei Nakakoji
Basic information



Osaka Prefecture


GC Core plus1 Special Purpose Company


Research, Planning, design, layout, Sign/Graphic concept design, environmental design, design supervision, environmental features


"Japan Space concept design Award 2023" Bronze Award (06.Large-scale commercial space (or complex facility space))

The contents of the publication are the information at the time of facility opening. Please see the facility website for the latest information.

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